I personally love incorporating lolita into my everyday fairy kei coord. It's a nice break from the usual, and dressing up is something i really love~ I love Lolita, but like many girls, the price is just not something i can afford. I do have a few brand pieces though, but saving up for angelic pretty is really hard. But, with stores like bodyline, you don't have to spend 300 dollars on a dress~ There are a lot of things i want from bodyline right now! Accessories, skirts, headdresses, shoes *__* I love everything!! So onto my little accumulation of bodyline pieces for under $50~
I love this jumper-skirt! Mostly because i love the pastel colors. You can buy this one from bodyline for $33. I'd put a link to the actual page, but it never works! Oh well /:
One thing i don't like about this dress is the lifted fabric in the front. It doesn't bother me enough to not buy it, but if i designed it, that wouldn't be there ^^ I love the three color choices, but mostly the pink!~
For fairy kei fusion, i would wear it with a big pastel knit cardigan, split color tights, and some sort of sneakers like converse~ Super cute! Then, just adorn yourself in cute vintage accessories and you'll look super adorable!~ Also, instead of a blouse with it, you could wear a cute t-shirt or cutsew~~
This is the second jumper-skirt i chose~ My friend ordered this one recently~ Also $33 for this one! I picked this one because i thought the colors looked a bit muted, which reminded me of spank! and vintage styles. I prefer polkadots over stripes, that's why i like this one a little more than the previous one. For styling it, i would really embrace the spank/vintage feeling. If it's warm out, wear it without a blouse or tee underneath.. Summer is coming up, so you probably won't want to be wearing a bunch of layers. I would wear lace top ankle socks and mary janes or maybe white tea party shoes. To add the fairy kei element, wear a cute cardigan and pins (particularly the ones that say "I heart spank!") Also, use a cute bag, but not a shoulder bag. Something with a cute motif, like sugar bunnies.
THE MINT ONE *___* I love this dress. It's a little more expensive than the others, at forty dollars. again, i would choose the mint, pink, or lavander. I would actually wear a blouse under this one, but not white~ To add more color use a sax, pink, or lavender blouse, depending on which color way you like. Also, i would wear it with patterned tights, like the ones from Holley Tea Time. For shoes, sneakers or tea party shoes would be acceptable~ Also, don't forget to accessorize!
Might i say, i completely adore this print!! This has been on my want list for a long time, but i cant decide if i want the skirt or jumper-skirt version!~ Either way, it's really cute, and in my opinion, the ultimate fairy-loli piece!~ You can pair this with almost anything and it will still look cute!~ Gosh, i want this so much!~The jumper-skirt version is 33 dollars, and the skirt is 27. This is definitely something i will be buying in the future!~
This was another one i really liked, because i love polkadots!~ I want the lavender or mint color way, mostly because i have way too much stuff that is pink!~ I would wear it with a parka or something, like a hoodie~ It seems like something i would wear with suspenders, to be honest~ I have pink ones that used to be my grandpa's, weirdly, that would look really adorable with it~ Also, a remake shirt with a cute motif would suit it well~ It's $33. I would buy this, but probably not anytime soon ^^
Well, i hope this post was helpful! Thanks for reading, have a nice day, and if you like my posts, please follow!~ Also, check out my tumblr!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Fairy kei on a budget: How to "Kawaii-fy" your room for under $50
So you want to have a cute room? But you don't want to spend a bunch of money, so what do you do?
Well, not everybody can just instantly have a super adorable room. It takes time and patience, but the final product is AMAZING!~ My room used to be pretty plain.. Light lavander walls, tan carpet, and a bunkbed. But i re-decorated it, and for everything i bought it was only around $50, but a lot of the things in my room were optional.
Let's look at some ups and downs of "kawaii" rooms.
This one is really adorable~ It may seem hard to achieve a room like this, but you just have to look under whats there. Her room, is mainly covered in thin blankets and fabric. Just head to your local fabric store, and find some cute patterns for your wall. But don't use the same fabric for your entire wall, use it like a tapestry. Other wise it might look a little weird. . .
This is my make-shift tapestry. It was about 8 dollars at Walmart, and it came with a sleeping mask!~
The colors are a little bright for my taste, but i like it anyway. It really suits my room as a whole :D
Next room?
I don't really like this room. I'm sorry, whoever it belongs too, i hope you love it, but it's not what I'd do for my room.. It looks a little.. Junky? Like they have a lot of cute things, but their actual room and furniture kind of took the cuteness away. Now this can be a challange, because not everyone can just go out and buy new furniture. But, there's THRIFT SHOPS! Yes, pretty much all of the furniture at a thrift shop or garage sale is not anything near being kawaii~ But that didn't stop me!~
A few months back, my step-mom's sister, gave us a headboard that she bought at a garage sale. It was ugly, and the color of a school bus, but i thought it had potential. xD I mostly liked it because there was a shelf built into it, which meant more room for my ponies and plushies~~
I dont have a picture of its ugly-ness from before, but after some paint, it turned out really cute!~
I love this thing to death!!~ It really goes well with my room, and it was practically free!~ Basically, i just painted the whole thing white, and then mixed my white house paint with some acrylic paint to make the pastel colors~ Then i just painted stars and the words "kawaii" and "amai" Meaning cute and sweet/delicious.
Here's my headboard as a whole, i love the dripping pink at the top~~
Now, speaking of which, i think that the bed is the easiest part of making your room cuter. You can sometimes find canopies at thrift shops, that what I did!~ Mine was about 7 dollars, but i think that prices would vary^-^
Also, find a cute comforter. The one that it currently on my bed is also from the thrift store, it's vintage barbie and i love it~ That was also around 7 dollars.
This is my bed, in all its glory~~ Lol~ It's a little different now, mostly because there is a different blanket on it (the barbie one)~ Also, the wall decals that are sparkly, are from Walmart. 4$ :D
For your floor you can use an adorable rug, like in the first picture. They have cute ones from places like target and Walmart for around 20 dollars, but they aren't very big. Just make sure they have a cute pattern and look nice. For stuffed animals, i headed for the thrift store. you can get cute ones for around 1-3 dollars each, big and small~ I like buying my little ponies too, i picked this one up the other day for only 29 cents~~
Also in my room, i just have alot of stuff from my childhood. But that stuff was bought so long ago, i just think of it as free xD Hahaha~ For more things in your room, check the dollar store. You never know what you'll find~
Also, If your desk is too plain, and your parents wont let you paint it, cover it in stickers!!
Haha~ My room was messy that day because we had my grandparents foreign exchange student staying with us for a little bit~ Also, you can see that my mirror, is covered in "sentimental" things like birthday cards and packaging stuff~
i really don't have much else to say except for: Have cute stuff. Spread it evenly through-out your room~ It will look a lot better than cluttering it in one place. I was hoping to do something a little more informative, but trust me, your room will get cuter over time, like i said, it's a process. Sometime i will do a guide to organizing your closet~ Well, I have to leave for school! ~☆~ See you soon!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Fairy kei on a budget: What to look for in thrift store purchases!~
Thrift stores: The number one place to find fairy kei for less!
I love the thrift store!~ It's my favorite place to shop, because you never know what you are going to find... Plus, it's a lot cheaper than regular stores because it's second hand.. Well, one man's trash is another man's treasure, right? I usually check the thrift store anywhere between 2-5 times a month xD
I make sure to check every section, because i don't want to miss anything~
What to look for in clothing:
When looking for clothing, make sure you stay in the pastel color range!~ Also, if you wear a size small or medium, don't be afraid to buy something in a large~ Oversized is cute!~
See? ^-^ Now obviously this isn't from a thrift store, but the oversized style is really adorable, I love the print on this shirt too, Haha~~
Also, if you see something that is cute, but plain, you can decorate it. Bonus if you know how to sew!
I bought this cute shirt for around 3 dollars, but it's a little basic for me.. Nothing a thread and needle can't fix! The picture isn't really true to the color, i'm not sure why, but my camera added a yellow tint~~ I'm planning on doing a remake tee shirt like Nile Perch or Spank! has.
Sweaters are another thing that i love buying from the thrift store. Mostly because they're nice and comfy, and already worn in :D Sweaters that are oversized look really cute too, here's an example:
These ones from milklim look like they would be oversized, but i couldn't find a picture of somebody wearing one~
For pants, Look for light wash denim, something that you can possibly dye to match your taste. You can buy darker ones, but if you do want to dye them, you'll have to bleach them a lot first which might damage them. High waisted denim shorts are my favorite, they are really cute and suit Spank! style really nicely~~ If you find jeans, you can leave them or cut them into shorts too.
Skirts at thrift stores are usually harder for me to find. Usually, the only cute ones i find are in the children's section, and they usually fit me if the waistband is elastic. i bought a really cute one with easter eggs on it~

Now you can always look for denim skirts from the thrift store too, and you can add some cute DIY elements like this:
They really give off the whole spank! vibe. (I don't know if these actually came from spank!)
Shoes is kind of a hard one at the thrift store, and some people are a little uncomfortable with used shoes.. I just make sure to wash them up well xD I've had a few really nice pair of shoes from thrift stores, and also, you can usually find pastel kitten heels right from the 80s :D
Also, i'm also usually finding brand new canvas sneakers and jelly shoes at my local thrift store, which you can always add things and improvise!~
Hand painted sneakers are adorable, and you can decorate your jelly shoes with bows, ribbon, lace, and jewels~~
Now, you aren't just limited to the clothing and shoes at a thrift store: If you are crafty, you can find fabric to make into something one of a kind, to suit your taste. Also, you can find a lot of things to make your room super cute ~
I bought these unicorn curtains yesterday for only four dollars~ I'm planning on making something, but not entirely sure what!~ I love buying toys at the thrift store because you can find a lot of really cute ones like care bears, trolls, ponies, and furbies~~
I collect care bears, and i mostly only buy them from thrift stores
I have my toys spread through-out my room, but mainly in this area (sorry for the bad lighting >w<)
If you do buy toys at thrift stores, just make sure you wash them. . .? Hahaha~~
There's a little more i could get into, but i'm saving that for another post~ This one is getting a little long~~
Thank you for reading, see you next post, I'm off to school! ;)
Monday, April 23, 2012
Hello!~ Introduction!☆ Basic guide for fairy kei on a budget!~
☆Hello!I've decided to start a blog dedicated to fairy kei on a budget! Well, mainly fairy kei! I hope this blog becomes popular, because i know there are many girls (or guys♥) that want to be fairy kei, but can't afford expensive japanese clothing like 6% DokiDoki or Spank! But that doesn't mean you can't improvise~ And that's why i created this blog!! Now, because i have nothing smart to say: A guide to fairy kei on a budget!The first and most important thing in my opinion is:
BE OPEN MINDED!~This is very important, especially when shopping at local stores and thrift shops ♥Now, local stores are a great option~ You can find things that are really cute at places like the dollar store, and even Walmart! If you fit, always look at the kids section!~ I can wear children's skirts if they have an elastic waist band~ I've found really cute "tutu like" skirts for around 5 dollars!At the dollar store, you can find really cute things like hair accessories, maybe even socks? Also, if you look in the baby shower section, they sometimes have really cute charms.. If you're crafty you can use them to make things like jewelry~~Thrift stores are my favorite!~ Just make sure you wash everything after you buy it!~In the thrift store, i try to check out almost every section.. Also, if something is too plain for your taste, you can add things like jewels or bows xD and for things like shorts, you can use fabric dye so they are cute pastel shades xD Actually, most of spank! is just vintage things from america that they think fits the shop (or at least that's what i thought >w<) So actually, you might be able to find some of these great things~ another part of it is repurposed vintage or DIY ^w^I have a lot of DIY projects that i'm planning on doing.. I just can't wait for a rainy day to do that! :DSpeaking of which, DIY is very important~~ If you know how to sew, you have a large advantage! Just find cute fabric and you can make really cute things like skirts, or remake type shirts, which are easy to make even if you don't know how to sew xD If you like making things like hair accessories like bows, you can find super cute japanese fabric on etsy!~ Also, you can use things like sheets or curtains to make into clothing or accessories~I have some "treasure troll" sheets that i'm planning on making into a cute salopette~ Also, today i bought some unicorn curtains that i'm going to use for something, but i'm not sure yet! You can also find cute things at garage sales or flea markets. I usually have to really hunt or never find anything good :( But that doesn't stop me!~ I love thrifting and anything related, because i love "Hunting" for things~I'm not sure but maybe you have friends or relatives who still have some of their things right from the 80's ^-^Sorry it was only a text post!!~~ I have many more things i could add to this ♥ But i have to get up in the morning >< So, i'll save that for another time! I hope this helped anyone, and i hope that this blog becomes successful!! Goodbye for now, and good luck!
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